Blockchain hype is an essential part of the crypto-craze, and its fading is
cause to expect the eventual crash.
Platforms: What the winners are doing right
DBS Is Walking and Talking Like Fintech
Big banks develop new platform for bond issuances
Singdollar bond market gets a booster
ASIA CREDIT CLOSE: Traders shrug off trade tariffs, bond supply fears
How APIs are changing finance
Asia's debt market: a story of progress
Back in 1994, when I first moved to Hong Kong, the debt capital markets in Asia excluding Japan were almost non-existent. The only way domestic issuers could raise financing was from the loan market, either domestically or offshore, or in the G3 currencies (US dollar, euro or Japanese yen) for the best of them. The few “bonds” were actually loan-style fixed-rated notes, syndicated primarily to banks.